Rs 23,999
Rs 24,500
Rs 28,499
Rs 32,500
Rs 33,999
Rs 35,499
Rs 46,725
Rs 48,500
Rs 51,900
Rs 58,499
Rs 63,999
Rs 88,000
Abbreviated as UPS, Uninterruptible Power Supply has now become a need in Pakistan. No one can deny its importance, especially when it comes to peak weeks of summer and load-shedding starts to make the life painful for the citizens. Its demand has never been decreased, since the energy crisis issue hit our country. Consumers start purchasing it for the coming summers, even at high cost during the peak season.Following the traditional demand supply rule of economics — as demand increases, the supply decreases, the price hikes. Same is the case here, the price of a UPS is touching the sky and story does not end here, these prices have been doubled roughly in a small span of time. Though the invasion of China made UPS have captured most of the market, its price remains the same.
Before moving further, first it is necessary to discuss the components of UPS. It mainly consists of two parts: One is the battery, and other is a box shape inverter. Its box shape may be different especially in the case of cheap quality UPS. Once you have bought the system, the only need is replacing the battery after a certain span of time depending on the quality of battery.Most of the batteries usually work perfectly for one or hardly two seasons. And if you are lucky enough, it may work for a month or two more. Then again there is a need of replacing the battery which again will cost up to Rs. 8000 to 10000.
At the beginning of the energy crises in Pakistan, the UPS available in market were better in quality as compared to today’s. Especially, the quality of china-made UPS is just not capable enough to bear the frequent and unscheduled load shedding.The price of UPS also depends upon the capacity of the inverter — the higher the capacity, the more batteries can be supported. The inverter, with more capacity is expensive and vice versa. So the question arises, how a lower-class person survives in Pakistan against load-shedding?Rich communities have installed expensive generators; even some have imported generators to get uninterrupted electricity, while the mediocre have UPS in their homes. The only lefts are the poor. Because, if one is ready to invest on UPS for his family especially for his children to study without any interruption
But after spending this handsome amount of money, it does not assure that the load-shedding has gone away. The un-scheduled electricity not only hits the peace of mind of the consumer but also damages the internal components of UPS inverter and hence the life of UPS shortens.Load shedding has caused too much economic loss to Pakistan. Now, the future of Pakistan – the young generation in schools and colleges are also at the verge of destruction. As government has failed to provide its citizens with electricity, it should give a subsidy in the prices of UPS, especially for the poor citizens of the country. It can be great stunt in the coming season of elections.